Sunday, January 25, 2009
House - Update
Well, it's been a pretty uneventful week. So, the only thing I could think of to blog about was what's been going on at the house. We had 3 trees planted in the front yard. We tore so many down during construction that we wanted to replant some. Then, we finally got our chimney fixed. A chimney sweep installed a metal cylinder down the entire chimney. He then filled in with concrete. It appeared that the chimney was leaking creosote because the mason didn't put any mortar between the thimbles that make up the flue liner. I'm really glad to have the wood burning stove back in action. It really makes the basement warmer and it makes the floors warmer on the main level as well. So, here are a few pictures...maybe this week will be more eventful!

Sunday, January 18, 2009
If You Build It, They Will Come
We've been seeing a lot of deer tracks in our front yard lately. The other evening, Mike saw four deer across the street from our house. So, I decided it was time to break out my super-duper sure fired, can't miss deer attractor. Dad told me to cut off the end of a peanut butter jar. Then, nail the lid to a tree and screw in the jar. He said this will attract deer. So, I did it. We shall see, I'm sure I'll be posting pictures of a plethora of deer with peanut butter on their cute little faces.
To the untrained eye, this may look like just another hole in the ground. But oh no, this my friends, are deer tracks just 10 feet from my peanut butter tree. Proof that deer are indeed in the area, in search of peanut butter no doubt!
Mike says I must be trying to attract the giant deer. It looks higher than it is. It is about 4.5 ft high. If the deer do indeed come, I'll put one up that is lower for the babies. Stay tuned...
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Samantha Elizabeth Miller
All the Ford ladies (except for Virginia, she was with Grandma).
The proud parents, Susan and Joe...what a good looking family!!
It is hard to believe that both my little sisters have babies!!! We've come a long way!!!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
A Walk in the Park
We had a very busy weekend. Mike did buy a bike this weekend. He wised up and did not purchase a full-faced helmet. Sorry to disappoint you Susan, but no picture will be forth coming. Actually, Mike said he does not want a picture of him on his bike posted on my blog. He rode 4 miles on Saturday and 6 miles on Sunday. I was impressed.
On Sunday he rode to the Lake Norman State Park and I went with the dogs and picked him up. We took the dogs for a walk while we were there. Foggy and Yana love going to the park. Foggy runs around with endless energy. Yana...well, she tries her best to keep up. Today was a perfect day for her weather wise. It was overcast and about 50 degrees...perfect Yana weather. She did have one stumbling block though..
"Hmmm, this could be trouble."
"How the heck did Foggy do this?"
"Maybe I should just take a breather"
"Lady, are you just gonna take pictures all day or are you gonna give me a hand?"
I did eventually have to pick her up and carry her over the logs. She has low ground clearance.
Here's Foggy taking a short water break.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Back in the Saddle Again
Well, I did it! I joined the YMCA. I went to my first class today. It was a strength class. I may still look like I'm in shape, but let me assure you that I am not. The class was a bit challenging, but not as bad as I thought. But toward the end, I did loose feeling in my legs. I survived though. On Thursday, I plan to take a Cycle class. I'm worried about this class. I've never taken a cycle class. The class today was me and a bunch of housewives/retired ladies. So, needless to say, I was not intimidated. However, I got a look at the folks waiting for today's cycle class to start. Yeah, it looks pretty serious. All waiting for the class to start (men and women) could crush me between their massive thighs!! So, this will be interesting. I could very well pass out from the exertion!! But, it feels good to be exercising on a regular schedule again.
I just hope I can get out of bed tomorrow morning!!!
Mike's big exercise plan is to buy a mountain bike. His only reservation is having to wear a helmet. He says he's going to purchase a full face helmet. Just typing that makes me giggle. I've never seen a bike rider wearing a full face helmet. He's going to ride the bike on the street to the Lake Norman State Park. So, can you imagine coming upon someone riding their bike on the road and they're wearing a full face helmet. Much less a rider that is, well, not in bike riding shape. I'll be sure to post a picture as soon as one is available!! Stay tuned!
I just hope I can get out of bed tomorrow morning!!!
Mike's big exercise plan is to buy a mountain bike. His only reservation is having to wear a helmet. He says he's going to purchase a full face helmet. Just typing that makes me giggle. I've never seen a bike rider wearing a full face helmet. He's going to ride the bike on the street to the Lake Norman State Park. So, can you imagine coming upon someone riding their bike on the road and they're wearing a full face helmet. Much less a rider that is, well, not in bike riding shape. I'll be sure to post a picture as soon as one is available!! Stay tuned!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
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