- Sunday morning walks with the dogs (or, actually, it's usually just Foggy because Yana is too lazy to go).
- Ice Cream - especially Food Lion's Strawberry Cheesecake, yummy!!!
- DVR. How in the heck did I live without this invention for so many years??
- Big bear hugs from my dad.
- That my husband doesn't mind that I'm not a prissy girl.
- My job
- My bed. I looove getting under the covers at night. Ah, it feels so good!!
- Yana. What can I say...she is a nutcase!
- My electric skillet. Why oh why did I not buy one of these earlier in life??
- Discovering Fantasy baseball and football.
- That my sister Susan is a good sport when Mike mercilessly trash talks her Fantasy team.
- Jack Reacher. Only the most bad ass character in literature today!
- Short drives to work.
- That my husband is my best friend.
- XM radio
- That Mike hasn't killed me while trying to type an email on that God-for-saken blackberry while driving.
- Sports
- The McRib
- My patience. Just checking to make sure you're paying attention :)
- Heated bathroom tile. Forget welfare, heated bathroom tile should be a government subsidy.
21. The E-Trade baby
Of course, I'm thankful for all my friends and family. It was good to see my little nieces on Thursday. They are funny, funny kids.