I really need to learn to relax. This has been my day so far:
7:30: Got up, fed the dogs, made breakfast
8:30: Went to see if Mike was dead since he wasn't up yet. Nope, not dead, just lazy! Took the dogs on a walk.
9:00: Finished staining the deck (started on Saturday)
10:00: Started a load of laundry. Did the floors (my famous 5 step process).
11:15: Made the bed, took out last weeks newspapers, realized I was hungry
12:00: Had an early lunch
12:30: Was bored, decided to take the recycling, go to Lowe's, buy flowers.
1:15: Planted flowers
2:00: Now I think I'm ready to relax. At least until it's time to fold clothes, iron the clothes, feed the dogs, make dinner, clean up after dinner.
I'll be ready to go back to work on Monday so I can relax!!