After watching it snow all night long, Mike and I were anxious to get up Saturday morning and try out the new sled I rushed out to get on Thursday. We had breakfast, dressed in all our waterproof motorcycle gear, and went down to get the dogs. Foggy was stoked...Yana, not so much. We tried to get Yana to ride in the sled and let us pull her. She would ride for a bit and then bail. We decided to just take her back home. She was rather pleased with that decision.
So, Foggy, Mike and I were off to find the perfect sledding hill. We slid down a smaller hill then we were off through the woods (not an easy task on a steep hill, carrying a sled, with a dog on a leash and 8 inches of snow). We finally came out of the woods at the mack daddy sledding hill. Unfortunately, I have no proof of said hill. I didn't take my camera out (didn't want to damage it). This hill was very very steep and we were quite exhausted just walking up. Mike went down first. He was headed straight for a tree but managed to change course and avoid disaster. After he laid in the snow for about 5 minutes getting his strength up for the trek back up, he made it back up the hill for my turn. I started a little farther over on the hill to avoid the tree. I took off and it was so fast, I must admit, I was scared. I think my screaming was a dead giveaway of my fear of death. With about a quarter of the hill left, it basically goes straight down and you get airborne. Did I mention that this hill heads right toward a pond in the neighborhood? By the time I hit this cliff, the snow was stinging my face and I couldn't see a dang thing. I was nervous about going in the pond so I jumped off the moving sled. That was a mistake. I had the breath knocked out of me just a bit (flashback to childhood sledding incident). I wasn't so sure that I hadn't broken a rib. Mike was yelling at me to get get the idea.
I recovered, trekked back up the hill, had a gameplan in mind for my next slide down and went on to have a GREAT time sledding. This was the highest, steepest, and fastest sledding hill I've ever had the honor of sledding down. Mike kept whining that he'd bruised his such bruise ever surfaced (Mike said "It's a deep tissue bruise"). We drove by today to check out the possibility of sledding this afternoon and our sledding path was muddy. Others had found our sledding mecca and it was spent until the next snow. But we've got the sled now so we'll be prepared!!
I did manage to take a few pictures once we got home. Foggy was so cold he went and sat down in front of the fire and started licking his cold paws. He was a trooper!!!