Saturday morning we decided to take a long cab ride to Grant's Farm. We weren't planning on going but heck, how often will we be in St. Louis? Dad recommended that we check it out. It was another interesting cab ride. This cabbie was in his 70s. He had lots of opinions as to what's the matter with America these days. I'd have to admit that we agreed with most of what he had to say.
Grant's Farm is also owned by the Busch Family. This was also free and of beer!!! This was a farm owned by Ulysses S. Grant at one point in time. I can't really remember how it came to be in the Busch Family. It may have been through a marriage. Anyway, you take a tram ride through some of the farm and you're on the lookout for some free range animals.
Then they dump you out at the mini zoo. They had an elephant, kangaroos, monkeys...etc. The best part was the baby goats. You could buy baby bottles of milk for $1 and then go in the pen and feed the baby goats. These goats were old pros at attacking the tourists with the milk. The meaner goats would literally ram the smaller goats out of the way. If they weren't drinking your milk, they were trying to eat your clothes. We really enjoyed this. We tried to find the smaller, punier goats to feed.
This farm also had some Clydesdale's. There were even some adorable babies. I read something that said most of the Clydesdale's are born in Montana. Anyway, this was a fun little trip to fill the time before the 1:15 game.

This would have been a good picture if not for the 'dust' particles that the camera picked up.

As promised, a baby Clydesdale.

Beer Garden at Grant's Farm.
Can't you see why this was so much fun?? How adorable!!