Sunday, September 19, 2010

McBride to Banff

I know, I'm getting tired of the vacation posts too. I'm almost done and since I just don't have the creative energy for any more scrapbooks, I'd at least like to document out trip through these lame and boring posts.

I actually have pictures from this day's ride. We had not originally planned to go to Banff but had extra time so we went. First we went through Jasper National Park. It was overcast so that was a bummer. Then I lost the ticket we bought to get into the park and thought we were going to have to pay twice but the sweet ticket taker took pity on us and let us by without a ticket. I love Canadians.
We hit our third province on this day.

Jasper was really beautiful but like I said it was overcast so I didn't get too many good shots. We did pull over at this waterfall.

Of course I get up there and my camera runs out of battery (which happens quite a lot, I think it's the constant turning on and off). So I had to trek back to the back. When I return, this is the site I see...

Yeah, that's Mike. Climbing up to the waterfall. Wait, it gets better...

He still has his helmet on!!!! What the #$%^!!!! He looks like a Power Ranger. I think he scared all the kids away. I don't know why he was acting so silly. So, from this embarrassing moment on, any time we stopped to take in the sites, the helmet stayed on!! Super fun!!

Lake Louise was in the area so we made sure to see it. No pictures posted though. This is a ritzy place with a Fairmont (very expensive hotel, google it). I really didn't see what the big deal was. So, then we were off to Banff. Banff is not but maybe an hour from Lake Louise and it too has a Fairmont hotel. We met a nice couple in Lake Louise who were from the area. They said that Banff has a lot of Asian tourist. They said that when times were good companies in Japan would send their executives and their families to Banff as a treat. Sure enough, there were lots of Asians in Banff.

This was just a random shot along the way.

We get to Banff and it is pretty small but a nice place. Below is the Fairmont they had. Just for kicks we stopped to ask about the rooms for the night. I think they were starting at over $400. We passed. This hotel is over 100 years old. We decided to try a bed and breakfast. The place we stopped was full for the night but the owner was so nice. She gave us a brochure of the B&Bs in the area, recommended one, and let us use her phone to call. She even gave us cookies too!!

We stayed in a ladies basement for $100 that night. It was very nice. B&Bs are the way to go. She was just outside of town but we could still walk into town for dinner.

This is the Fairmont in Banff.

This big fella was right in town. There is a river in the middle of town and he was just grazing by the river. Obviously hunting is not a big tourist activity in Banff.

This is where we had dinner this night. Mike was going to buy a shirt but they only had extra large.

Our next stop is our last...Seattle!!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

South Hazelton to McBride

This will be a quick post. Today was a day of nothing. We needed to get a new rear tire. Mike made arrangements to get our tire changed in Prince George. The catch was we had to buy the tire from one store and take it to another store to get it mounted. So, I had the honor of holding a tire on the back of the bike. Luckily it was a very short ride.

While coming through town I noticed an indoor Curling Rink. I was super excited. We were mesmerized by the curling at the Olympics. I mean we would tape matches!!! So, I was determined to do some curling of our very own. We found the number and I called to see if they were open to the public. Well, long story short, the girl I talked to thought I was a dumb tourist. Duh, curling is a winter sport!!! Well of course I know that but the rink was indoors for goodness sake. I think they could have ice during the summer since they're indoors. My curling dreams were crushed.

While waiting for the tire I spotted this sign across the street. It was the most interesting thing I'd seen all day so a picture had to be taken.

So, we're off with a fresh tire. It was still pretty uneventful.

This is Mike trying to fish a dead bird out of the bike. I can't remember when the bird got lodged in the bike. While we were at the dealership Mike proceeds to tug on the bird and just ended up ripping it's tail feathers off. We had no luck with the bird and best I can guess, the bird is still lodged in the bike. We didn't disclose this fact upon selling the bike to some unsuspecting fella. I bet he's wondering what that smell is???

We stopped in McBride. They had some pretty flowers at the hotel. We ate at the restaurant the hotel had. It took for freaking ever to get our food. But luckily once it arrived it was pretty good.

Not much to see today.