Thursday Susan and I went to the Kenny Chesney concert. I really wanted to go to see Billy Currington. We was to start playing at 7:45. Due to traffic, Susan got there at 7:42. Just on time. Since I didn't have the tickets, I must say that I really enjoyed standing by myself at the gate looking like a lonely loser. The loser appearance was made even worse because of my sad outfit, which I will not get into during this post.
I took my smaller camera to the concert so you'll have to trust me when I tell you that the guy in the middle of the stage is Billy Currington. I was there and if I had not seen him onTV I could not pick him out of a lineup. Needless to say we were not on the front row and the screens were no help because of the glare from the sun.

After three failed attempts to do a self portrait some chick took pity on us and offered to take our picture. I have this annoying habit of tilting my head up when my picture is taken. God I hate having my picture made.
Even though we couldn't get a good look at Billy, he was none the less entertaining. I would still like to see him at a smaller venue.
So then it was on to Kenny. I've never bought one of him CDs so I wouldn't say I'm his #1 fan but I was curious as to what all the fuss is about.

From what I could gather after the first song, all the fuss is about a short, balding, cocky little dude who thinks he's a rapper not a country singer. He had some really annoying habits. First, while holding the mike with one hand, he would do this rap thing with the other. Next time you see me ask me to demonstrate. Next, he thought it was cool to constantly flick the brim of his cowboy hat. Finally, he must have gotten this move from the hair bands of his youth, he would sing a few words and then stab the mike stand forward as he'd lean back. Again, I'll be glad to demonstrate. Every thing was just so contrived and not at all genuine. Don't get me wrong, he has good songs but the show and his 'moves' reminded me of what a little kid would do in front of the mirror and think he was 'the bomb'. But what do I know, people continue to flock to see him year after year.
Friday night I went to our SOS (Save Our Schools) Rally. It was sponsored by some parent organizations in an effort to rally support for education funding. I was a volunteer. My duty ended up being giving out door prize tickets to people as they entered. Most people took one after you explained to them that it was free. I did this for like an hour and a half and I was beat. I am really getting old.

This is my co-worker (and sweetest lady I know) Theresa. She worked the entrance with me. As you can see there were lots of things for the kiddos to do. We actually had a pretty good turn out.
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