Mike and I made another run up to the mountains this weekend. We were a bit early for all of the leaves to have turned colors for the fall but we've got to get away when Mike has time with his work.
We left work early on Friday and got up to Cherokee in time to do a bit of riding. Mike got a tip on a little dirt road from the hotel clerk. It was a nice little road that ran along a pretty creek. There were some nice country houses that set right on the creek. It was very serene. The road had some muddy ruts that were a bit intimidating for me. Mike rode my bike through them. We rode along until we didn't think we could go any further up the rocky road. Plus we had to be getting back for our bingo date. Good news is I didn't need Mike's help to go back over the muddy stuff!! Really wasn't that bad.
Yup, we went back to bingo and yup we were winners again. Well, I won on Friday. Mike won on Saturday. Yeah, we went back on Saturday too. What can I say, we love the bingo. And we got to sit in non-smoking this time. Now, back to my winnings, I won the first TWO games. That is unheard of!!! I've got skills. Mike also won on Saturday but had to split it five ways.
Saturday morning we were off again. It was a bit cold in the morning but not too bad. We again found some nice dirt roads. Some helpful hiker told Mike we could make it up this path he was just on. That is right after we made it around the gate that had the path closed. We decided no way would I be making this trek. We decided to ride two up on my small bike. This caused us to bottom out on some of the rocky sections. We couldn't make it all the way too the top because it was so rocky. We walked the last bit.

This was the 'trail'. Pretty crazy huh!! Mike is a rock star on the bike!!
Once we got to the top there was a lookout tower.

Views from the top...

Just imagine how awesome it will be when the leaves turn.
We made it back down alive and after lunch we did one more dirt road. This one had a bit of history to it.

This was part of the trail of tears. Poignant considering the area we were in.

It was a nice weekend. I could get used to these little bike and bingo getaways!!
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