Thursday, August 21, 2008


Just wanted to post a quick congratulations to Susan and Joe. Yesterday was a big day for them, they found out they are having a baby GIRL!!!! I have already generously offered to allow them the privilege of naming their precious baby girl, Melissa!!! They were of course overcome with gratitude!! We just have a mere 4.5 months to wait to meet the newest addition to the family!! I'm sure Kathy is thrilled that Susan is also having a girl...not much longer until Baby Virginia will be here too...changes, changes, changes!!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks! I told Joe you were willing to let us use Melissa and he was so thrilled!!

Anonymous said...

I cannot understand why no one wants to use MYRA JUNE. . .

That's a classic


Lisa said...

Well, no arguments with Myra. But, I'm gonna have to go with Melissa also. Then you can call her Lisa.. and really, what better name could a girl have?