It was a fun time and Yana has gotten her walking in for the rest of the year!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Breast Cancer Awareness Walk
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Baby Pictures!!
As soon as she was born she was taken to the nursery to receive oxygen. She was having some trouble breathing. While Susan and I were visiting the new parents, new mom Kathy was able to hold her precious new baby for the first time in the nursery. It was a very sweet moment and I feel honored that we were able to be there.
Only parents and grandparents are allowed in the nursery so Susan and I were bummed! We were really wanting to hold the little cutie!! Lucky for us, soon after Kathy was able to hold her, she was able to come off the oxygen and was brought to the room for the first time. Then new dad Reiggin was able to hold her for the first time also. The family will be going home today to start their new lives together...
First family photo!
Mom and sweet!!!
Kathy is such a loving and forgiving person, Virginia is lucky to have her as her mother! Kathy may miss sleeping in but I know she wouldn't trade being a mother for anything in the world.
Not much longer and sister #2 (Susan) will be a new Mom too...only 3 1/2 more months and there will be more newborn pictures to post!! Can't wait!!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Baby Virginia has arrived!!!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
CPE at the Grove Park Inn

The CPE classes were painfully boring, as always. There were two former client's of mine there, so I had a few people to buddy up to.
One of my former clients, Chris Hyder, wanted to go to dinner on Thursday night. I was cool with that. I thought maybe we'd splurge on dinner at the Inn or eat at a nice restaurant in town. But no, Chris wanted to get pizza. I eat pizza once a week at home, so that would not have been my first choice. But, fine. So we ate pizza and Chris had two beers. Well, Chris drove and he couldn't find his way back to the Inn. He, for whatever reason, didn't go back the way he came. He finally stopped at a convenience store to ask directions and freaked out because a cop was in there and he'd had two whole beers!! He ended up having to talk to the cop to get directions. We finally get headed in the right direction and make it back to the hotel. Then, brilliant Chris, decides that he needs to find the closest possible parking spot. This entails driving the wrong way up a one lane bridge. And of course, there are no parking spots any closer. So, we drove around the parking lot for an additional 5 minutes. I was so irritated by then. Luckily I was able to avoid Chris for the entire day on Friday!! Now, it's back to work today.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Trip to L.A.
I thought this was one of the most amazing sights I'd ever seen. From the lookout from the mountains, all you could see were clouds!
More mountain pictures (see above).
On Saturday the plan was to drive up the Pacific Coast Highway and stay outside of Santa Barbara. Well, the coastline along the highway was nice, what we could see of it. There was so much haze, or smog, I'm not sure, that the view was very limited. Once we got to Goleta, we drove through the Santa Ynez Mountains (I think, I can't really remember). Anyway, it was actually very pretty. Again, may I suggest that California invest in a few more rest stops. These are a few pictures...
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
It's Tough Being Me
Sunday: I took the dogs for their weekly walk. Of course, Yana had to relieve herself in a neighbors yard. Luckily, I was prepared (this time, sshh!!) and had a plastic bag to scoop the poop. But I was not feeling too hip about carrying the bag of poop around the rest of the walk. Lucky for me, I spotted a trashcan that had already been pushed to the curb for the next day's garbage pick up. I thought...Score!! It's early, I took a quick look over the right shoulder, then the left shoulder...looked like the coast was clear, so I went for it. Real quick, 1, 2, 3...lift lid, deposit poop, close lid. We're off scott and poop free...or so I thought. I took 2 more steps and looked to the left and right across the street from the now poop filled trashcan was a neighbor sitting on his front porch looking right at me...oh well, busted!!
Monday: I found out that I am NOT the favorite daughter!! Yeah, that's right...My mom and dad were supposed to come up and check out the progress of the house. But Mom called early Sunday to blow me off. She said she was just too busy after a long weekend of partying. However, I found out, from an anonymous source, that while she was too busy to make time for me, she wasn't too busy to fix lunch for my sister Susan and her husband Joe. Mmmhmm...that's right...I found out!!! At least I know where I stand now...second favorite, sorry Kathy!!!
Tuesday: It was just one of those days. Everything I touched was just going to pot. I was having a breakdown and I yelled across to my co-worker "I think I'm going to start taking my dog's crazy pills". Just as the words were out of my mouth, a Project Manager appears. He said, "I didn't hear a thing". So, he now thinks that I'm a nut job that takes my dog's crazy pills!! Perfect!!!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Boring Weekend
It was a pretty uneventful weekend. We, of course, went by the house. Oh I must tell you, we purchased a coupon on Ebay that was issued by Home Depot to their employees for 20% off any purchase up to $3,000. Well, since we're not employees of HD, we were told that Lowe's would accept the coupon. Well, they did. We paid about $15 bucks for the coupon and saved about $100 bucks on our purchase at Lowe's. We've already purchased another coupon!! That was neat!! If you are going to have any big purchases, I'd look into buying a coupon. The ones we've seen expire on 12/31/08.
Anyway, we dropped some stuff off at the house and spent about an hour picking up construction trash from around the house. Man it was hot!! We had to, or Mike had to, push the wheel barrow from the backyard to the construction dumpster in the front yard. It is a slight up hill climb from back to front. After that little bit of work, we were wiped out!!
Sunday was pretty unproductive as well. However, I was extremely excited to purchase a pair of jeans at Kohl's. I have the worst time finding jeans that don't have a big gap in the back or that aren't so low that I can hardly keep them up. I tried on two pairs and both pairs fit tight around my waist and minimized the size of my butt (bonus!). Man, that was so exciting. I hate trying on 10 pairs of jeans and having none fit right. That was about the most exciting thing that happened this weekend.
Now, I'm just waiting until we leave for L.A. on Thursday!!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Yana...What Can I Say?
The funny, butt in the air drinking style (as evidenced above), is out of necessity...she has a bad overbite and we just haven't invested in braces yet!! But this on the other hand (2 seconds later)...
Is just plain laziness!!!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Happy Birthday Betty!!
Betty is just so adorable. I couldn't have been blessed with a better mother-in-law. Betty, you make sure Wayne is good to you today!! We love you!!!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Baby Virginia's Shower
Saturday my sister Susan and I hosted a baby shower for our younger sister Kathy. Mom was gracious enough to let us borrow her house for the shower since neither of us have a descent home of our own (sad, I know!). Kathy is due in about 4 this shower was not a moment too soon. I have to take a moment to brag on Susan and myself. Above is the baby shower cake (adorable!) and the table of food offered to the guests. Susan did a lot, OK, most of, the cooking and she did a great job.
Mom to be, Kathy, with Great Grandma to be!! My Grandma is very worried about Kathy and Susan having what they need as they become first-time mothers. She is just too sweet!!! We all love her and Grandpa so much!
Here are the three Ford girls!! Mom didn't get us centered in the picture and I couldn't figure out how to edit it to fix, yes, I know it is not centered. But that doesn't take away from how cute we look. Well, at least they do...notice Susan's ever growing baby bump. I think she looks just adorable. Everyone was amazed at how good Kathy looked. She really hasn't gotten too big and she has really looked great throughout her pregnancy!
Here is Kathy with all her loot. Everyone was very generous and she got lots of cute stuff. All the ladies love the baby clothes. There were lots of "oohs and aahs"!