Monday, September 22, 2008

Baby Virginia has arrived!!!

Just a quick post to announce that at 5:50am this morning, I became an aunt for the first time!!! My sister Kathy had her first baby, Virginia Lee Hilderbrand. She weighted 6lbs. and 9oz. Kathy started having contractions yesterday around 3 pm. She went to the hospital at about 5:30pm and didn't have Virginia until this morning. So, she is very tired after a long labor. I will go visit this evening after work. I will post pictures tomorrow!!


Anonymous said...

Yes!!! The next generation begins! Can hardly wait to see her!


Anonymous said...

I think it's spelled Virginia Leigh...

I'll be there after work as well.

Lisa said...

Yay! I can't wait to see her as well. I'll be there later tonight.

Congrats to Reiggin and Kathy and congrats to you and Susan on being Aunties!

Melissa, A.K.A. Lisa said...
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Anonymous said...

OK, I'm through my teary moment. ( or not). I can't believe how pretty she is so soon after birth! These pictures are incredible! Is there a technogeek (complimentary term in my book) in the family who can tell how to capture these images so I can print them or to tell me it can't be done so I can stop wishing?