Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Cabinets are Here!!

Well, our cabinets were installed about a week ago. I was very happy with how they turned out. The granite should be installed this week. Loser Builder says that he hopes to be done by next Friday, the 17th. I wouldn't bet on it, but we are getting very close. He better be done by the end of the month because I'll be homeless then. But I can't worry about that now...I'm sure our friends Rob and Carla will let us sleep on their couch for a while :)

The green cabinet is in the guest bathroom and the other cabinet is in the master bathroom. There are two of the same cabinets in the master bathroom, one for me and one for Mike.

These are the kitchen cabinets. I must say that the dining room paint looks really neon green in the kitchen cabinets picture number two. Hmm, it doesn't look that green in person. Anyway, the cabinet maker said we shouldn't put them in so early. He said we needed to wait until the floor was sanded and finished. Of course, Loser Builder didn't agree so they were put in before the floors were finished. Well, after a week of being in the house, the corners of the island have been scuffed and scratched so bad that they are going to have to be repaired. I think someone draped an electrical cord around the island. All this damage and the floors haven't even been finished yet. I'm trying to not worry too much about it. I've told Loser Builder that his loser subs have already damaged my pretty cabinets. So, we'll see how much damage there is when it's all said and done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow...things really look different than the last time I saw it! It's finally coming together. I'm sure it'll be done by the end of the month.