But I digress. You can imagine my excitement when I discovered that he would be on network TV (NBC, Mondays at 10pm). I can now visit with my favorite hottie weekly! This show is addictive. That says a lot coming from me because I am not one to get easily addicted to any TV show, just ask Mike!! (typed with much sarcasm). My dang DVR has not been cooperating lately and it has not taped the last two episodes. Thank goodness for the internet age. I've been able to catch the episodes I've missed on the internet. I just started watching the latest one on the web this morning at work (sshh!!). My excitement over the latest turn of events on the show led me to share my latest addiction with my reading audience.
Since I haven't been able to watch the two latest shows on the TV, I've lost my viewing partner. Mike refuses to watch TV shows on the internet...he's not as technologically savvy as me! So, please, someone help me out here. If you haven't been watching, please watch the episodes online. We're only up to #4. It is a continuing story, so you must watch all 4. Believe me, you will not be disappointed!!!
Aww...how sweet, the love affair has been rekindled!!
oh gleaming the cube....netflix needs to get with it!
I agree the show is pretty good I need to catch up I have only seen part of one.
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