Mike got a gift certificate from a client to Wine Maestro, a local store in Statesville. Instead of buying wine, he bought 5 different kinds of obscure beer. The funniest one was a beer called He'brew, The Chosen Beer.
As the label says:
Why is this beer different than other beers? As commanded, we at He'brew have been fruitful and multiplied our offerings. Tradition teaches that the Messiah's name is Shalom-Peace. With your first sip of this rich, dark, and delicious libation, we hope to offer a momentary taste of microbrewed bliss. If you feel the sudden urge to beat your swords into ploughshares (Isaiah 2:4) or to picnic with the lion and the lamb (Is. 11:6)...Rejoice!!! Now our award winning brewers can't claim supernatural powers - simply a fanatical commitment to brewing world class beers: A truly scrumptious mitzvah (good deed)! Through the new millennium and beyond, may your cups runneth over with the blessing of great beer and great shtick. To the Future! To a Bold Life! L'Chaim!
I thought this was just hilarious!!
Awww...I can't wait until I can enjoy good beer again. Joe and I love to try new & different beers. A place down the street from where we lived in Pittsburgh had tons of beers you had never heard of that were wonderful. Joe bought one of his uncle's a couple of exotic beers for Christmas, one of them was called Santa's Butt. We thought that was funny. So, the name of the beer was unique and the label was funny but was the beer any good...
I'll have to pass that on to my Jewish stepson, Seth. He'll get a kick out of it. When you guys come up to see us, we'll go to West First for wood-fire pizza and homemade beer.
Well, as most of you know, I don't partake of the beer. I'll leave that to Susan. Mike said it's the best of the 5 he's had so far. Granted, that was only the 2nd he'd tried.
Seth is Jewish?? How did that happen??
Hey all. This is Zak Davis from Shmaltz Brewing Company, the makers of HE'BREW Beer. Just wanted to say thanks so much for the shoutout and for picking up the beer. I'm glad to hear that it was enjoyed. I hope you had a happy new year! L'Chaim!!
Even if I drank beer, I don't think that I would drink that one!! LOL! Crazy what is allowed on labels these days.
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