So, as some may know, Mike has sold his Harley and bought a BMW GS. It's basically a big dirt bike. It's meant to go on and off road. Well, as a GS owner, we have a reputation to uphold as being off road adventure riders. Apparently, there are some dirt roads all throughout the NC mountains. Some of the better ones are just north of Lenior. So, we took off one Saturday after I had been working until about 3:30 (I had no idea what I was getting myself into). We head to the mountains and make our first off road excursion. It was pretty successful if you don't count the fact that we had no clue where we were or when or where the road ended. Then, to top it all off, we think we're finally at the end of the winding dirt mountain pass when we come across a tree in the road that we can't get over. We had to turn around and go the entire 25 miles back. Of course, it started to get dark and rain. But, as you can tell, we lived to blog about it.
After that adventure, Mike was invited to go with another couple to do some more off road riding two weekends ago. We started in the same area as Mike and I started but we also went to many other areas. There are dirt roads everywhere - for one, we rode up to Linville Gorge. The couple we met were really nice and were good riders. It was fun. Check out the pics...

I didn't realize you sold the Harley...I just thought you had both.
Sounds like you are living the life of a good biker chick!! Your photos are great!! Miss you!
We've got that gene in common. There is nothing I would rather do with free time than find an unknown mountain road and see where it takes me.
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