We went to Atlanta to pick up a dirt bike that Mike bought. Yup, that's right. We're back in the dirt bike riding business. I've got a bigger bike this time around (not bigger than Mike's, bigger than the bike I had a few years ago). I hope this doesn't cause my wrecks (there will be many) to result in any serious injuries (there will be non-serious injuries for sure). Should be fun!!
We had some snow on Friday night (see below) so the roads were a bit touch & go. We had two scary slides. But after about an hour, maybe an hour and a half, it was smooth sailing. Since we were going to Atlanta, we tried to make the best of it. We went to the Aquarium and World of Coke. After the World of Coke, we were walking back to the Marta Station and decided to stop and eat at the Mellow Mushroom. We didn't spend a lot of time in Atlanta, but we really had a nice time. It was a nice Valentine's weekend after all.

We made a last minute decision to go to World of Coke. It was right across from the Aquarium. It was actually pretty neat.

At the end of the tour/museum, there were soda fountains set up for each area of the world. This picture is from the Africa station. There were 64 different sodas. We tried them all, except for the USA flavors. Some were good, some were pretty gross. By the end, I felt disgusting!!!
Just because I figured out how to use the video feature of my camera:
I'm jealous y'all went to Atlanta! I love both the aquarium and the Coke factory.
We were just discussing going to the Atlanta Aquariam! Now we can enjoy it from the comfort of home thanks to your great video.
I've never wanted to burp so bad in my life then I did after drinking all 64 of those sodas. They don't seem like much from those small cups... until you realize that 2 to 4 oz. of each equals 1 to 2 GALLONS.
I love the crab picture. Thanks to yours & Reiggin's comments if I ever go to the Coke factory I'm not drinking the soda...
I wanted to see video of the romantic dinner with candle light and wine?????
I can't believe you don't trust my measuring skills. Yeah the Coke factory was pretty cool. You do end up feeling gross afterwards thou. When we went to the aquarium they had a exhibit touring of the titanic that was super cool. Sounds like you guys had a great weekend.
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