Look at that blonde hair!!! And look how pretty she looks. She looks so grown up!
Gotta love her!
Dad sporting a Playdoh 'stach.
Now, to the present...Mike and I went to the mountains this weekend. We took the bikes. It was my first overnight trip on my bike. I think it was a bit of a test for me to see if I would do ok. I think I did ok. I really had fun. We stayed Friday night in Cherokee. Can anyone guess why??? If you said bingo you'd be right!! We first checked out the casino.
Congrats to me for having my ID checked upon entrance. It was just too dark for the guy to see the grey hair and wrinkles!
About 30 minutes later I'd already lost $20 bucks. Then we were headed off to play tribal bingo.
This bingo parlor was busier than Baltimore and I'd say it was more serious. It was definitely more smokey. Good lord those people can smoke. My strategy to find some old lady to look after us paid off again. After about 3 hours of bingo, we left with less money than we came with. Oh well, still fun.
Next morning we were off to Tellico Plains, TN. Very nice ride there. Mike did feel the need to pullover at one point and tell me that he'd ride about 10 miles then wait for me to catch up. Yeah, I'm not the fastest on tight roads.
I did have some technical difficulties right after this pic was taken. Who knew that the bike would not start with the kickstand down. Learn something new everyday.
The main reason Mike wanted to go to Tellico was to ride some dirt roads. Things were going well and I was digging it, until...we got to a section of the road that had some large gravel and that was not enjoyable. The bike was whobbly and just didn't feel the safest. I didn't wreck but it was a bit touch and go. I was wiped after that and so there were no more dirt roads after that. Sorry Mike.
This was a cool wood carving place we stopped at.
Random elk having an early dinner. He was not at all bothered by the large crowd.
Thought about staying at Pigeon Forge. Well, that place is crazy!!! It's the Myrtle Beach of the mountains. Gattlingburg wasn't much better. So, what is a person to do???? That's right....more bingo!!!!!
We did not leave this night empty handed. Mike split the next to last game and we had yet another profitable bingo outing, both nights combined. This was an impressive win given the large crowd. And we got to sit beside the same two ladies that we met on Friday.
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Dude I love bingo! Those old ladies get crazy. The play like 4 & 5 cards at a time. Crazy!!!
Looks like a fun time!! Just wanted you to know I was thinking about you a lot lately. Hope you are doing well and that you and Mike are living it up on your travels!! Miss you and love you,girl!!
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