Saturday, May 19, 2012

Patterson Farm

Today Susan and Kathy brought the girls, and Zack, up to pick strawberries at Patterson Farm.  This is a great place for the kids as not only are their strawberries to pick but there is a petting zoo, playground and ice cream.  We started off picking the strawberries.  Some of us (Samantha) did more eating than putting in the basket.  Virginia on the other hand was pretty serious about finding the good berries.

This picture is too adorable.  I think it will have to be printed and put up at my office at work.

Susan brought baby Zach.  Boy is he getting big and he is the spitting image of his daddy!  He was a bit cranky.  We were just carrying him around.  I held him for a brief (and I mean brief) bit.  He started crying pretty good and I passed him off like a hot potato to Kathy.  It was very stressful.  Susan did eventually go and get the stroller and he was a happy camper the rest of the day.

Next it was off to the petting zoo.  Both girls fed the animals through plastic tubs.  

Pretty awesome huh??  

After a stint on the playground, they'd worked up an appetite for some ice cream.

I don't know about them but I had a blast today.  They really are fun little kids to be around and are both very loving.  It's always a good time.  I love them to pieces!  Can't wait until Zach is big enough to chase the girls around (and to not freak me out when he starts crying).

P.S.  I must say that Blogger has upgraded and it is a million times easier to post!!


Absolutely Kathy said...

We had a blast today too. I did have to laugh when Virginia kept telling us only pick the red ones not the green ones. And I had to giggle on your comment about passing Zach like a hot potato. Well off to cook liver mush for Virginia and I think one little girl will be going to be bed early she is so worn out.

Oh and I love that picture of Samantha and Virginia together in the field.

Anonymous said...

Glad everyone had fun. Won't be long before you will be saying,"I wish Zach would sit in his stroller and stop chasing the girls around and stealing their berries.


Anonymous said...

Samantha had so much fun. She told everybody she saw yesterday about "the scary peacock and that she ate a ton of strawberries."

When we got in the car to leave she said "Aunt Lisa talks funny." what's up with that...


Melissa, A.K.A. Lisa said...

LOL!! I can't talk funnier than her mama?

Annette said...

Looks like you had a fabulous day! Wish I could have been there.

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Anonymous said...

Story about global warming again on the news.
The gods have the freedom to rapidly accelerate global warming because of unregulated Chinese industrialization. And they are using it.
Whereas US industrial regulation combined with automotive smog devices had contained, the shameful emmissions at the hand of Italian capital which financed this chinese growth will ultimately kill our planet.
The gods must abjectly hate the Italians:::They ruined our cultures, eliminating Old Worlds around the globe, they destroyed our societies and now they will be used to ruin the planet.
Intelligent design:::Everything the gods do has purpose. There was purpose in the Italian boot, the Scandanavian penis, the sheep of Europe and the SFBA Beast. Chinese/Asian slanted eyes is yet another. Designed to make them/some look evil, they are a warning to other races. What is occurring with enviornmental degredation is living proof.
Never forget the shameful experience we each had in 2008 when the Chinese desperately tried to clean up the envionment in Beijing.

Recall the $5 trillion Republican scam where W set up the evil Democrats to sign the credit card receipt.
Expect some portion of the $5 trillion stolen from the United States creatively went to the Catholic Church, positioned to bitterly complain they lost their affluent white parishoners for poor Latinos and this is all their doing anyways.
I always suspected there has been a skim on the US General Fund all along and I was right. And the gods are using these clone host fakes to kill Planet Earth, financing China industrialization. The puppeteer pulling the strings, ironically.

Jesus is a false god.
There is no Satan. The world around us is all the god's doing:::You have to be tested with temptation.
Christianity is a test.
Muslim misery? The gods claim they are trying to "help you". The gods control everything, choreograph all that we see, including Isreal's relationship with Palestine, an "obligation" for their money-grubbing acceptance of the Evil Empire's billions. They also control the Italians, victims of the Moorish invasion/rape of their women, positioned in charge of this false reality through Christianity.
The gods created all this to position this reality you experience today.
"Earning" is temptation. It is a lie leading people into Damnation. Any hope of the Muslim world regaining the power they once had is long since over and it will never, ever return. Their acts 0f terrorism are only hurting them in the eyes of the gods.
The gods claim they are trying to "help you", but they also stoked your pride with your regional superpower status of centuries ago, rendering their efforts today merely destructive, a very bad sign. This means the gods have major problems with your people.
Never forget:::The gods work in mysterious ways. A mortal trying to understand may envoke their wrath. You shouldn't need to.

I believe the gods relocated the Jews to another planet before the Holocaust began to give them additional time before Earth fell into the social decay Christianity and the United States is responsible for. I suspect this favor included some/many of the Native America peoples as well.
Unfortunately for Muslims you didn't have the favor necessary to be allowed such generosity. I believe it is due to your mysogyny, your belief women are inferior to the men. This does not include veiling, which is a positive for the people and helps maintain decency within your society.
Orthodoxy is always the best course of action because, as I have repeated, old is mostly good and a little evil, while new is mostly evil and a little good. This applies to Islam as well.