This is for you baseball fans out there. Mike and I are participating in the Major League Baseball challenge called Beat the Streak. You have to try and beat Ted Williams hit streak. It's free and if you can do it, you win $1 million dollars. You pick one hitter a day that you think will get a hit. You can pick the same hitter as many times as you like. The website is pretty user friendly. (As an aside and a pat on the back: I'm getting so dang good at this blog stuff that I added a link to the website. You just have to click on the title of the blog and it'll take you to the site. I know, you're impressed!!) It has all the games for that day along with the scheduled starter and their ERA. Then you can click on the game for more details about the opposing teams batting average against that pitcher and for the year.
I started yesterday and I must say I got off to a rousing start...my guy went 0 for!!
All well, at least I didn't have a long streak going. Mike has like a 4 game hit streak going. The longest to date by anyone has been 48 games (I think).
Gotta run, I'm supposed to be working!
Ok...I picked Geovany Soto of the Cubs.
whoohoo, both our guys got hits tonight!!
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