This Reacher adventure wasn't much of an adventure. It started out in typical Reacher fashion and I was intrigued. But the story never really developed. It took forever for anything exciting to ever happen, if it ever really did. I was never excited about any part of the book and there was never a section that made me want to stand up and cheer for my main man Jack. He wasn't his typical bad ass self, but there was the use of his signature move, the head butt, which is always a crowd pleaser!
I just couldn't get excited about the story and then once the plot/imminent threat finally was revealed, it seemed that the book was written for the sole purpose of allowing the author to express his displeasure with the Iraq war. And having read all 11 previous books and knowing that Reacher was an MP, I'm not sure that I'd buy into Reacher's acceptance of AWOL soldiers. But Reacher is known to do whatever he dang well pleases, so who knows.
I haven't given up on Reacher just yet, I'll look for the next installment to be much improved!
Now Mom, your job is to make Dad read this because I know he dang well won't do it on his own. Also, FYI Dad, last night I also started on your new character of interest, Joe Pike. I must say, I'll probably have to read all of his books too!
I'll have to check out this series! Lately, I haven't found a book I can really get into.. it makes me so sad!
~the other Lisa~
Dad and I read the Reacher review. He does agree, not one of Lee Child's best efforts. But hey, we'll cut Jack some slack, and continue to await the next installlment with high expectations.
Also enjoyed the W. Vir. pictures. We had lunch at the inn where you stayed (?) when we made our trip. Recognized the pictures.
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