Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I was going to blog about something else today but this has kind of been bugging me and then I read Lisa Stone's (Harland's) blog today and I couldn't hold back any more. She has got this girl that always posts comments to her blog, Kim. I figure, OK, they must be friends. Then I read a comment this Kim girl posted about Lisa moving to LA and she refers to the fact that she's NEVER met Lisa. Well, I can't say that Lisa and I are close friends. She is my sister Kathy's best friend since forever. So, I have at least laid eyes on and spoken to Lisa face to face over the years.

Ok, now I'm thinking that Lisa has a stalker. Kim appeared to be very upset that Lisa was moving. I don't know who this Kim is, but I'm worried. But, I push that thought aside. I don't want to voice my opinion out loud, hence someone think I'm nuts. The next significant post I remember is by Lisa's husband. It has a video of Lisa bowling at the end of the post. I've heard from Kathy that Lisa bowls funny, she does this hop before she releases the ball. Anyway, he posted a video of this. It was cute. But guess who also bowls like that...KIM!!! Yeah right, like she also does a little hop before she throws the ball. Well, that was the last straw, I think Lisa needs to take out a blog restraining order against this chick!!! Lisa, I hope you read this and take all the necessary precautions!!!! If you're not worried, maybe you need to rent the movie, Single White Female!!!


Anonymous said...

I can't...stop...laughing!!!

Anonymous said...

Or... maybe it's just Lisa posting as "Kim" just to make others *think* she has a stalker/fan. hmmmmmm.....