1. Finally, Nadal beats Federer at Wimbledon!!!!! Nadal is so cute (despite the constant butt picking) and is so much fun to watch!! That was the longest match ever!! I just knew that Nadal was going to blow it and I was really stressed for him. But he pulled it out (not his underwear, but the match)!!!
2. I'm hoping to get Yana off the cone this week. She has a bacterial infection on her leg and she wants to constanly lick it. She's on some medicine and her leg is looking much better. So, I'm hoping that the cone can come off this week because she's having to sleep outside and she does not like that. When she comes in the house she just goes and stands beside the door that leads to the garage because she wants to go to her pin. It just breaks my heart!!! Poor baby!!

3. Burn Notice starts back up on Thursday. This is one of my favorite TV shows. It runs on Thursday night at 10pm on USA. This is obviously past my bedtime. So, I'll be DVR'ing it. For all you people who are lame and haven't watched...you need to tune in!!
Poor Yana!
Whew, I'm glad to know I dodged the lameness bullet. I, too, am excited about Burn Notice. It is so nice to have something fun to watch during the summer!
~the other Lisa~
I was sooo excited about Nadal winning. I always pull for him!! He is cute despite the butt picking. Oh by the way, I can't believe you started a blog. That is so damn funny!!!
Yeah I can't wait til Thursday! Burn Notice is awesome. I will have to remind mom and dad about the start up too. And Yana is just to funny in that cone. Hope you have a great week.
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