Saturday, April 2, 2011


This day was not too exciting. It's been a few days since we were there and I can't really remember anything very exciting. I guess the most exciting thing was that Stanley wrecked. Luckily he was fine and the bike was only slightly damaged. We waited at a gas station for word on Stanley and while there we took pictures of these beauties.

We were by the water and there was a big port. A ton of these critters were hanging out scavenging. We rode though a pretty large copper mine. Everyone remembers the miners that were rescued in Chile right? Chile has many, many mines.

Iquique is a coastal town and had some pretty nice views.

This was the view from our hotel balcony.

I just remembered something funny from this day. You have to remember that these countries have an unbelievable number of homeless dogs and cats. They just roam the streets and live off of scraps. Very sad really. Anyway, we were sitting outside for dinner. From where we were sitting, we could look inside and see the salad bar. All of a sudden Fukundo yells out (in English) "there is a cat on the table". A cat had jumped up on the bar and was helping him or her self. And this was a nice place. We found it funny that Fukundo was startled but yelled in English when his native tongue is Spanish and his English is still a bit broken. I guess you had to be there.

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